Professional Development &
Corporate Wellness Services
Are your employees burnt out, negative, frustrated, blocked and or complacent? Challenges like these create a demand for corporate wellness that can maximize productivity, reduce turnover, and increase job satisfaction for all. Enflowment provides services to address these challenges by empowering progressive entrepreneurs, leaders and corporations with the flow they require to succeed.
With engaging corporate wellness education workshops, based on positive psychology methods, and techniques; we empower the leader and their employees in creating a healthier and more positive working environment. The leader also has the choice to choose a personalized plan for themselves and or their organization with our support utilizing observations, assessments, and expressed need; in order to increase the job satisfaction, retention, and positive culture they desire.
Leadership and Group Workshops Available Virtually or in Person.
Contact us for individualized or group session
Stress Management Strategies & Self Care
Work life balance is a buzzword that creates a lot of judgment in the workplace due to the culture of workaholism that many times tends to be created and glorified; resulting in burn out and resentment in not being able to obtain it.
Rather than focusing on "balance", Enflowment empowers organizations with realistic tools to increase productivity in less time and increase quality over quantity time in their personal lives. As a result, it creates leaders and employees who use effective stress management and self-care strategies that work for them.
Emotional Intelligence & Effective Communication for Leaders and organizations.
Research shows that excellent performance requires a calculated ratio of technical skills, IQ and Emotional intelligence (EI) with EI proven to be twice as important as the others in all job types. Additionally, nearly 90% of star performers were proven to have high emotional intelligence vs. cognitive abilities.
Traditional behaviors of using intimidation, arrogance, and superficiality result in a quick turnaround that doesn't last long term. Therefore, Enflowment provides Emotional Intelligence education as a method proven to create long term results of profitable success for leaders and their organizations.
Time Management and Organization Strategies for Leaders & Organizations
The saying "time is money" holds true in the impact wasted time has on an organization's success and profits.
To help with this, Enflowment offers education on simple, easy to implement tools and strategies to support individuals and teams struggling to complete tasks efficiently and in a timely manner.
Some of these highly recommended tools come from Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; Brian Tracy's Eat That Frog; and Cal Newport's Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World; among many others.
Shifting Perspectives and Mindsets
The fear to fail keeps leaders and organizations from taking necessary risks, admitting and learning from mistakes, and being open to learn different methods and techniques. This results in a group of individuals with fixed habits and mindsets.
In order to obtain success regardless of failure and making mistakes, individuals need to build the muscle within persistence, fearlessness and resilience.
Enflowment believes the best method to do this with is by shifting perspectives and mindsets using research-based theories including Carol Dweck's Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset; Brene Brown's research on vulnerability and courage; and Dr. Robert A. Emmons's research on Gratitude.
Positive Psychology Methods for Progressive Leaders
Leadership is both a science and an art. It is a framework consisting of the leader, its followers, and the situation being dealt with. No one method, theory, or style is the best or only choice.
Therefore, leadership education is available to empower leaders with a variety of choices and methods to create a leadership style that is true to themselves and the organizations they are building.
Become the Leader that attracts, nurtures and propels a progressive team to success, profits and growth.
Effective Methods in Managing Challenging
Situations and People
Customers, managers and personnel can vary in personality types, attitudes and temperament. As a result, different situations of interpersonal challenges can present themselves in a way that can appear difficult to deal with and manage.
With Enflowment workshops you will learn different methods to manage these types of situations that minimize time-consuming distractions and conflict in the workplace.
Resulting in high quality customer service and maintaining a positive culture and productive environment; allowing for more space to create, increase sales and maximize profitability.